Friday, August 27, 2010

School Daze -- Week 3 Complete

Wow, I can’t believe we are done with our 3rd week of the 2010/2011 school year. The kids got into the groove pretty quickly and have been doing well keeping up with what we have set for them to do. K is in 6th, M1 is in 3rd, M2 is in 1st and J is just into trouble. Ha, not really, he has been doing pretty well playing and keeping himself occupied. We have gotten out the Legos a couple times this week and I helped him build a small house, dog and truck. That kept him busy throughout the mornings. Today he asked me if I would play with him. I asked what he would like to play and he answered “Star Wars!” Hmmm, I don’t think mommy plays Star Wars very well.
First Day of School
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