Saturday, March 17, 2007

Little Bit 'O Snow

What a week this has been, '70 and beautiful on Wednesday and today there is 10 in. snow. The kids loved it, they were out for a while this morning while Sean shoveled the walks and road. They wanted to make a snowman but the snow didn't hold together very well.

This morning when we came down for breakfast M1 announced that she wanted a cake for St. Patricks Day. She said it needed to be green and shaped like a shamrock. I am still wondering how she knew it was St. Patricks Day, we haven't talked about it at all. We did have the TV on alot yesterday watching the weather and news so I guess that is where she heard about it. I did have a cake mix and store bought frosting so I humored her, even tinting it green. I didn't shape it like a shamrock but we did put M&M's on it and tried to make a shamrock with those.
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Beautiful Day in NEPA

The last few days have been beautiful. Today topped out at about 71 degrees on the back porch. With the ability to take time off school, I took the kids down to the church and let them play with the Thomas kids. After they got home, the kids went outside and played after naptime until 8:00 pm. They were having a blast jumping on the trampoline, swinging on the swing set, setting up a "rock store," and generally kicking up their heals. Tomorrow, the temperature is supposed to top out a little higher, but, as usual for March, weather prediction is just that, prediction. The temps are supposed to drop like a rock with the potential for snow showers. Welcome to the PA end of winter season.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Welcome to our Blog

Chaos and Cuddles definatly describes our life to a "T" right now. Somedays I think that M2's mission in toddlerhood is to create all of that chaos. He is the main reason I decided to start this blog, that way I can record all the funny, mischevious, and naughty things he and the others have done and show them when they have kids and are asking "why are my kids acting this way".

J is getting bigger everyday. He had his 2mo. check-up last week, he is now 10 lbs. and 22 in. long. I can't believe he is two months already. He is starting to "talk" and his smiles melt Mommy and Daddy. He is also discovering toys on the toy bar and if he hits at them they move and make noise.

As you can see by the pictures M2 has been keeping me on my toes, from powder to Desitin, he likes to get into trouble. He thinks that if he can't see Mommy and Daddy they can't see him. He likes to "hide" under the table, baby swing, laundry baskets or any place else he thinks he can't be seen. He will even cover his eyes so no one will see him. He does like to be cuddled and is very excited when Daddy gets to be home from work so Daddy can play with him. Trips to the store are a special time since Daddy has been doing quite a bit of grocery shopping and M2 gets to go along most of the time.

M1 has been enjoying K4, she had learned alot so far this year. She had been asking to cut her hair so last week we finally did it. Although it is cute, mommy had a hard time cutting off 3" and seeing the curls fall off.

K is 3/4 of the way done with 2nd grade. She is doing well, but somedays it is like pulling teeth to get her school work done. I guess we all have days like that though. Friday, both K and M1 went for a sleep over at a friends house. They were up 'til 2 in the morning. They came home around noon and were down for a nap by 12:30. K got a camera for Christmas and has been learning how to use it. Here is her self-portrait.

Since this is the first post I have elaborated more than I will in the future. I am going to try to write a couple times a week so check back often for more installments.