Saturday, July 7, 2007

Fireworks, Flowers Beds, and a Dragonfly

Sean hates to mow the lawn near the pond so this last week we turned it into a flower bed. Thanks to Rebecca who got the flowers for me. It's still not quite done, we want to edge it with rocks but for the time being this is what it looks like.



On the 4th we spent the evening with the Thomas'. They have a great view of the fireworks out town puts off. The town's fireworks were postponed on Wednesday but we put off a few of our own.

Yesterday we had a little visitor at our pond. The kids thought it was pretty neat but at first they were afraid that it might hurt them.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy Independence Day

America, America
by James H. Lee (c)2004

America, America
I love this land, America,
From sea to shining sea,
And love the things it stands for,
The fact that I am free,
Because of those who fought and died,
And gave this right to me,
And to the ones I dearly love,
My friends and family.

I love the Flag, Old Glory,
And what it stands for here,
And when I see it waving,
I want to stop and cheer,
And lift my voice in singing
Its anthems, loud and clear,
And offer up a prayer to God,
And even shed a tear

For those who do not understand
The feelings that I feel,
This pride and love for country,
Which has a heart appeal,
And for the victories we have won,
Which I declare are real,
Knowing God is blessing us,
Each time, in prayer, I kneel.

I love the Founding Fathers,
And love their families, too,
And every sacrifice they made
To keep this nation true,
True to God and true to man,
And our Red, White and Blue,
One nation, indivisible,
Their gift to me and you.

America, America,
I salute you every day,
And I salute your patriots,
And heroes in harm's way,
Who also love as I do,
The good old USA,
And love our flag, Old Glory,
So proudly on display.

Let's rally 'round the banner,
And 'round our President, too,
Who loves our nation also,
And our Red, White and Blue,
Whose goal is to vouchsafe freedom,
That's worthy to pursue,
And keep this "One nation, under God,"
As He wants us to do.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Camden & Philly through K's eyes

This weekend we took a field trip to Camden and Philly. On Friday we went to the Adventure Aquarium then on Saturday we rode the train into Philly to see the historic sites. The kids loved evey moment, with the exception of walking all over the place. Over the two days K took 398 pictures. Here are a few from her point of view.

^Adventure Aquarium Camden, NJ^

^View from the train^


Stouffer Reunion

Thanks to Uncle Vance and Aunt Mary for hosting the reunion. Everything was great, the pig was delicious. The kids loved playing on the swing, running around in the yard and meeting new cousins.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007


For the last few weeks we have had a duck couple visiting our neighborhood. They really like the neighbors pond and we really like to watch them.

Thursday, May 3, 2007


We started the spring season for soccer last week. Here are a few pics from our first 2 games.

Tackling the Hay Field... er, um Yard

Monday Sean decided that it was time to mow the lawn. We had a few days of rain last week and some beautiful days which lead to a yard with VERY tall grass.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Not very good at Blogging

Well as you can see I am not very good at this blogging thing, it has almost been 2 weeks and I am finally getting another post done.

The kids and I were at my parents house this past week. We left Sunday after church and went as far as my grandparents house. Mom and Dad were there and we went home with them. This is the first time they got to see J. We had a good visit.

Since I was at Mom and Dad's I wasn't able to upload any pics. Here are some from Easter.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

I'm Back

It has been a while since I posted. We have had a round of colds that started right after I posted last. Between chasing noses around the house and quieting coughs, we really haven't gotten tons done. We were hoping to keep it away from J, but he ended up with it anyway. I ended up sleeping on the couch a couple nights because he woke up with a stuffy nose and couldn't breathe. Hopefully this will be the last for a while. The kids still have lingering coughs but they are getting quieter everyday.

Hopefully I can keep up with this a little better than I have this past week. Here is a picture of M taken while he was sick, he was watching Fomas (Thomas the train) and fell asleep.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Barry and Cheryl Webb

Barry and Cheryl Webb were at our church this week from Sunday to Wednesday. Because of sick kids Sean and M were the only ones to make it every night but by Wednesday we were all able to be there. It was funny to hear the girls come home an tell me about the puppet show had been done, and me knowing exactly which one they are talking about.

It has been awhile since I have seen the Webbs, since high school, so it was nice to catch up a little.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Learning to Ride

Yesterday K was riding her bike on the porch when she said "Daddy I did it, I rode by myself." Sean then took her down to the road to practice her new skill. She really hasn't ridden since last fall, when we were trying to teach her how to ride without training wheels, so this is quite an accomplishment.

New Carpet Dance

On Friday we got our new area rug for the livingroom. As you can see the kids are enjoying having something comfortable to play on. J has even gotten his share of "floor time"

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Up close and personal with PA wildlife

Yesterday we took the kids to the Pennsylvania Outdoor Life Expo. The kids had a good time looking at all the different types of wildlife, indian artifacts and displays. K wanted to try her hand at shooting a compound bow but the lines were long. It was very crowded and hard to get around. Also, the people were quite rude, we would be standing in line or waiting patiently to get a look at something, and they would be pushing in front of us. It is sometimes understandable with children but these were adults pushing in front of kids. Oh well, the girls said they liked going, so that is what's important.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Note to self -- re: Photo Shoot

As much as you would like to take posed pictures of your kids, have someone else home to help you or leave it to the experts and take them to a studio.

Out of the Mouth of Babes

Just a few funnies that have happened over the last few days.

--The other day M2 and M1 were in the basement playing. When they came up a little while later I could smell peppermint. I asked them if they had been eating something. Maleah told me they had some refreshMINTS. I don't have any idea what they were actually eating, all I can figure is they had found some mints in a attache case that Sean used to use for choir.

--Yesterday M1 and I were talking. I don't even remember what we were talking about but she says to me, "I know Daddy is getting old, he has been around here for a long time, a VERY long time."

--M2 still thinks that kisses heal everything - well, most things. Just a few minutes ago he came to me and asked me to kiss "it". I thought he was meaning his foot so I gave it a quick kiss. He says to me, "No mommy, bottom."

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Little Bit 'O Snow

What a week this has been, '70 and beautiful on Wednesday and today there is 10 in. snow. The kids loved it, they were out for a while this morning while Sean shoveled the walks and road. They wanted to make a snowman but the snow didn't hold together very well.

This morning when we came down for breakfast M1 announced that she wanted a cake for St. Patricks Day. She said it needed to be green and shaped like a shamrock. I am still wondering how she knew it was St. Patricks Day, we haven't talked about it at all. We did have the TV on alot yesterday watching the weather and news so I guess that is where she heard about it. I did have a cake mix and store bought frosting so I humored her, even tinting it green. I didn't shape it like a shamrock but we did put M&M's on it and tried to make a shamrock with those.
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Beautiful Day in NEPA

The last few days have been beautiful. Today topped out at about 71 degrees on the back porch. With the ability to take time off school, I took the kids down to the church and let them play with the Thomas kids. After they got home, the kids went outside and played after naptime until 8:00 pm. They were having a blast jumping on the trampoline, swinging on the swing set, setting up a "rock store," and generally kicking up their heals. Tomorrow, the temperature is supposed to top out a little higher, but, as usual for March, weather prediction is just that, prediction. The temps are supposed to drop like a rock with the potential for snow showers. Welcome to the PA end of winter season.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Welcome to our Blog

Chaos and Cuddles definatly describes our life to a "T" right now. Somedays I think that M2's mission in toddlerhood is to create all of that chaos. He is the main reason I decided to start this blog, that way I can record all the funny, mischevious, and naughty things he and the others have done and show them when they have kids and are asking "why are my kids acting this way".

J is getting bigger everyday. He had his 2mo. check-up last week, he is now 10 lbs. and 22 in. long. I can't believe he is two months already. He is starting to "talk" and his smiles melt Mommy and Daddy. He is also discovering toys on the toy bar and if he hits at them they move and make noise.

As you can see by the pictures M2 has been keeping me on my toes, from powder to Desitin, he likes to get into trouble. He thinks that if he can't see Mommy and Daddy they can't see him. He likes to "hide" under the table, baby swing, laundry baskets or any place else he thinks he can't be seen. He will even cover his eyes so no one will see him. He does like to be cuddled and is very excited when Daddy gets to be home from work so Daddy can play with him. Trips to the store are a special time since Daddy has been doing quite a bit of grocery shopping and M2 gets to go along most of the time.

M1 has been enjoying K4, she had learned alot so far this year. She had been asking to cut her hair so last week we finally did it. Although it is cute, mommy had a hard time cutting off 3" and seeing the curls fall off.

K is 3/4 of the way done with 2nd grade. She is doing well, but somedays it is like pulling teeth to get her school work done. I guess we all have days like that though. Friday, both K and M1 went for a sleep over at a friends house. They were up 'til 2 in the morning. They came home around noon and were down for a nap by 12:30. K got a camera for Christmas and has been learning how to use it. Here is her self-portrait.

Since this is the first post I have elaborated more than I will in the future. I am going to try to write a couple times a week so check back often for more installments.