Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ta-may-to, Ta-mah-to

Which ever way you say it, we have 'em. The tomatoes in our garden are finally ripening and we are enjoying the harvest. Our garden is mostly tomato plants with a few peppers and a squash plant. The tomatoes seemed to take a long time to ripen this year but our waiting is paying off

Earlier this week, I was trying to figure out what to have for supper. I had some ground beef thawed in the fridge so I knew I needed to use that, but what could I make? Looking in the cupboard revealed angel hair pasta but I had no sauce. After thinking about it a little longer, I realized there were two pots of already stewed tomatoes in the fridge, so I got out the Victorio strainer -- which by the way was my garage sale find of the summer -- and made sauce. Cooking down the juice is the most time consuming part of the project, it simmered all day long. In the end, the sauce was still a little watery but oh so good. I put a little in a bowl and asked the kids to taste it, they all thought it was good, but J, who doesn't like "amatoes", was the one who finished off the bowl.