Saturday, March 17, 2007

Little Bit 'O Snow

What a week this has been, '70 and beautiful on Wednesday and today there is 10 in. snow. The kids loved it, they were out for a while this morning while Sean shoveled the walks and road. They wanted to make a snowman but the snow didn't hold together very well.

This morning when we came down for breakfast M1 announced that she wanted a cake for St. Patricks Day. She said it needed to be green and shaped like a shamrock. I am still wondering how she knew it was St. Patricks Day, we haven't talked about it at all. We did have the TV on alot yesterday watching the weather and news so I guess that is where she heard about it. I did have a cake mix and store bought frosting so I humored her, even tinting it green. I didn't shape it like a shamrock but we did put M&M's on it and tried to make a shamrock with those.
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1 comment:

Becbud said...

Green cake AND green frosting! Good thing red isn't the color for St. Patty! I forgot to take pics, but we got 12" over here in our back yard. I think it's windier on your side of town. It always seems colder, at least. Cute pics.